Sunday, November 18, 2012

take your rabbit to work day


tooknap press said...

I love robin & the girl selling the crystals (is she selling the crystals, or telling robin all about them?). I love this story. where does it take place?

inkysocks said...

we were being healed! you pick the crystal that you intuitively are drawn to, then she puts it on the proper chakra and takes tuning forks to your head, then sprays rose water on you. i want to do this all the time.

tooknap press said...

Come over to where I live! There's a lot of that kind of thing around here. I'll give you a shot of my triple gem essence & tuck you into bed. What was the wee healer's name?

tooknap press said...

Which crystal did you pick???

inkysocks said...

i can't remember her name now! i picked something for my chakra around my solar plexus. now i can't remember the name. i love it! but i was sleeping with it and a] that hurt robin when she rolled over on it and b] the acupuncturist was horrified and said that particular crystal should not be slept with.
c] i want to come over where you live!