Monday, December 22, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

oral history projects that came in last night: continued oral histories with starbucks managers who left after 5+years, taiko drummers, plus new directions: three interviews with teenage mothers in the bronx, an oral narrative/play based on interviews with security guards at the met, a proposal for a new oral history archive in a trailer (that improves upon accessibility issues of present storycorps program)...more to come.

pina sat a few seats away from us. her cohorts took notes in the dark.

erin had eye surgery on saturday. she is the most patient patient. good healing, erin.

these were picked up at goodwill for 4.99, each. they need some repairs.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a lot of bad stuff happened to a lot of people this week. i feel a little chilled by all the news. i just don't have the energy to hook up my camera today. but hi! send good news!