Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Update: all of the strawberries are gone.
Update: 3/4 of the strawberries featured in the photo below are gone, and I have accidentally gone on an afternoon vacation. I've got the windows open and my bare feet are up on the desk. I'm reading Maggie Nelson's new book of poetry, SOMETHING BRIGHT, THEN HOLES, which I really recommend. I am reluctantly getting back to work now.

this is making me feel religious

Friday, May 23, 2008

R's report came back today--clean bill of health. No cancer. I'll soon replace this post with a picture of us celebrating this weekend. Have a very good one.

From Office Sign Project

from Danny Lyon's Conversations With the Dead

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'd be really excited if I woke up with either of these in my apartment tomorrow morning:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

FIELD SCHOOL in New Orleans, Lower 9th Ward
YARD SALE AT MY HOUSE, JUNE 14 & 15. Details to follow. Stick your money in the piggy for belts, books, jewels, lamps, etcetera.
melissa gilbert just sold her memoir--probably out in '09 or '10. i am worried we will find out that laura ingalls was molested on set. we will definitely be reading about her relationship with rob lowe and her experience as an adopted child. she also lost her father when she was 11.

Augustus Gram on Sheepskin Island